The Lucidity Guild Of North America
Empowering Our Clients to thrive in a changing world
What do we need to do TODAY
to be ready for an uncertain tomorrow?
The NextAct Planning™ Process
We partner with you to develop YOUR strategy planning processes grounded in proven scientific and engineering principles.
Unrealized Growth Expectations? We can help.
- Research & Development Process Review
- Highly Disciplined and Innovative Strategy Planning Program
- Organizational Optimization
- Science, Engineering & Technology Validation
- World-Class Scientists, Technologists and Managers Dedicated to Small and Midmarket Firms in North America
Dream Like Artists Think Like Scientists Build Like Engineers™
LGNA Highlights
Capturing Creativity in a Large Organization; Commitment to a Process for Success
Is Wisdom a Simple Product of Age and Experience--or an Ever Receding Bonanza ?
Strategic Planning at a National Security Lab;
Lessons for Businesses of All Sizes
The Challenge Traditional strategy planning is simply not making the grade!
Over the last twenty years, multiple surveys have revealed that top executives in North America are dissatisfied with current strategy planning approaches. Shortcomings include a lack of alignment between strategy and execution, an inability to adapt to change, and a lack of data-driven decision-making.
Capitalizing on cutting-edge technologies is critical in gaining a competitive edge. But that challenge is proving tougher than ever, particularly for smaller companies. If you and your team are concerned by a lack of fresh ideas and dwindling innovation, you're not alone.
In this business environment of heightened complexity and uncertainty, the LGNA can help you test and redesign the processes by which your strategies and action plans are made and implemented. Reach out to us today.
Who We Serve
- We work with North American firms across multiple industries.
- We are especially focused on improving the performance of
- Small and Midsize Enterprises (SMEs)
The Firms We Serve Are The Lifeblood of Our Economy:Emerging Leaders, Independent Enterprises, Growth Businesses, Innovation Engines, and Community Anchors
Our Clients Are the Future of North American Prosperity
E Pluribus Unum
U.S. Small and Midsize Enterprises
- Approx 30 million firms
- Employ 61.6 million people
- 45.9% of total U.S. workforce
- Contribute 43.5% of GDP
- 300,000 SMEs export to foreign markets
- Created two-thirds of all new jobs in the last two decades
Source: Office of the United States Trade Representative
What We Believe
Strategy is a Journey and We All Need a GPS We contend that strategy creation is a journey to clarity; an ongoing process of creating and fostering innovative thinking and planning. Every day. Our NextAct Planning™ process provides the means for substantial improvements in performance. Continue your journey with experienced experts at the LGNA.
The World is Changing Rapidly Experts continue to debate theories on the economic horizon but most generally agree that the future of the global economy is uncertain. How will this global unrest affect your company? Adaptability, innovation, and creativity must become core competencies in the increasingly challenging economic landscape in front of us all. Good is no longer good enough. The transformative journey now required for small and larger firms alike could benefit from objective and experienced guidance.
Technology Change: Unprecedented Acceleration Navigate the lightning-fast pace of technology advancements with our Knowledge Collective™ – LGNA Guild members are experts in technology ecosystems across multiple industries. Stay ahead of the curve; LGNA can help advise and guide your technology strategy development.
The Hardest Part Is Getting Started A concrete starting point for our Clients is to gain clarity and perspective regarding your current business structure, products, technologies, customers, and your people. Our Data Collection and Empirical Validation Program kickstarts the process – and your journey to sustainable growth.